The spring Shipka Speaker Series presenter Dr. Bart Ehrman was kind enough to do an interview for WYSU. Dr. Vopat from our department had the pleasure of talking with Dr. Ehrman about the talk he gave, his current projects, and a little about how he writes. For those that may have missed…
To Write Better Code, Read Virginia Woolf – The New York Times
There is an implicit argument here for all programmers to study the humanities (and maybe humanities majors studying a little programming). To Write Better Code, Read Virginia Woolf – The New York Times
Dr. Bart Ehrman [VIDEO]
Dr. Bart Ehrman: “Misquoting Jesus”
“Misquoting Jesus: Scribes Who Changed the Scriptures and Readers Who May Never Know.” Bart D. Ehrman, a New Testament scholar and author/editor of five best-selling books, presents the Dr. Thomas and Albert Shipka Speaker Series lecture 12:30 p.m. Thursday, April 14, in the Chestnut Room of Kilcawley Center on the campus of Youngstown State University….
Shipka Speakers Series: Dr. Bart Ehrman
Dr. Minogue Honored
On April 29th 2006 our own Dr. Brendan is being honored by the Bioethics Network of Ohio (BENO) is recognition for his role as a founding member and its first president. As part of this recognition ceremony, Dr. Minogue was asked to submit an essay for publication in BENO’s publication Bioquarterly. The full text of…
Ethics Bowl Team Wins Second Place at Nationals
Congratulations to the Ethics Bowl Team on an amazing performance their first time out. Read the Jambar story here: Ethics Bowl
Teaching Ethics: Call for Submissions
Teaching Ethics issues this special call for responses to a new case study by Steven M. Cahn published in its Volume 15, Number 2, Fall 2015 issue. Please submit responses by April 5th to with the subject [Case Study]. The best submission by a graduate student, in addition to being published in Teaching Ethics,…
The rise in stock of philosophy graduates | World news | The Guardian
The article is a little dated, but still relevant to students considering majoring in philosophy: The rise in stock of philosophy graduates | World news | The Guardian
Burma’s Hard-Line Buddhists Are Waging a Campaign of Hate That Nobody Can Stop | TIME
Dr. Jerryson was recently interviewed by Time magazine about Buddhist extremists in Burma: Michael Jerryson, an expert on religion and violence at Youngstown State University in the U.S., says that part of the success of these movements is their ability to use Islamophobia to tap into dormant communal hostilities. Says Jerryson: “There is no religion…